Level: Beginner What you learn: working with lists, lists of lists (2D Arrays) and data trees.


  1. Make a wall that would serve as a base for perforations. Keep it 2D for now.
  1. Find points on one axis that would be centers of the perforation circles
  1. Propagate these centers along the second axis
  1. Create a shape for your perforation. We can start with a circle.
  1. Place the perforation in the defined cetner points.
  1. Change the size of the perforation holes. Implement three different strategies:
    • assign same radius to all the perforations
    • assign random radius to all the perforations
    • create a sphere in the scene, change radius of the holes based on their distance to the sphere (e.g. more distant smaller radius)
  1. Time to perforate the wall! Let’s first extrude the holes.
  1. Let’s subtract one surface from another
  1. 🎢 Bonus: Add rotating circular panels in the middle of the holes. These panels can have a random rotation or be rotated versus the sphere.

Check out the full script if you get stuck!

This exercise has been developed under the workshop for Umeå universitetetfor the course of Elena Vazquez Peña Architectural Design Studio HT23-24.