Site: UmeΓ₯ Universitet Professor: Elena Vazquez PeΓ±a Course: Architectural Project II, Architectural Project III Period: November 2024 Mode:workshop Class: 40 people

βš™οΈ Setup

During this workshop we tried out a recipe methodology widely used when teaching programming and software development but hardly applied within architectural field.

The workshop was organized in the following way:
  • Short introduction to Graphical Programming + gh UI
  • Full day following the step-by step GH exercises
  • Preparing a model or a concept drawing implementing parametric design in their own architectural projects
  • Short presentation of the results and discussion
  • πŸͺ Fika :)

Each step consisted of 4 parts:

  • Instruction
  • Illustration of the result (collapsable)
  • Hint (collapsable)
  • Solution (collapsable)

πŸŽ“ Learnings

  • setup with steps, hints and solutions was well-accepted :)

  • Such workshops should take at least 2.5-3 days:

    • 1st day - exercises
    • 2nd day - applying new skills to the students’ own project
    • 3rd day - presentation of the results and discussion
  • Working in pairs is the preferred way for this activity type

  • UI and general principles explanation should be kept as short and simple as possible

  • One suggestion that we received on UI explanation was showing how to create a box. A simple exercise that demonstrates basic working principles.

  • Tutorials should have more steps for thebeginner level

  • Hints could have the images or the names of the blocks from grasshopper

  • Highlighting the difference in the solution image after each step

  • Separately explain how each of the components work (with a clickable link)

πŸ’« Feedback

How was the overall experience?


How easy is it to follow the tutorials and coding examples?

easy to follow

How user-friendly is the setup?

How user-friendly is the setup

How well were you able to understand the instructions presented in the tutorials?

understanding of instructions

How do you estimate the difficulty level of the exercises?

Difficulty level of the exercises