Welcome to the ALCwiki! Have you been planning to learn coding but don’t know where to start? This is a wiki with the first terms necessary to get you up and running! πŸƒπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

πŸš€ Getting started

Depending on your πŸͺœ Level check the suggested Courses based on your area of interest. You can also search for the topic of your interest, go through the Content or explore the graph.

βš’οΈ Tools

You don’t need to have any tools (except for computer) to start programming:) But to make the experience more pleasant and the learning curve smoother we suggest:

This wiki is concentrating on Python to be used as the main programming language.

πŸ•Œ Coding in architectural software

πŸ‘€ Check out our guides on how to interact with architectural software via code:

🎒 Help us improve

Contact us with any questions or suggestions. We are constantly reviewing the material and would be grateful for any constructive feedback that could help us improve!

ALCWiki is being developed under the collaboration process with IAAC master course MaAI.

Design of the wiki was heavily inspired by That Open Company docs.